Small business common sense

In case you may be a small business in NH... Let's say 10 million in net a year I hope you do this...  By "this" I mean, do not post you are #1,2,3 or whatever number compared to your competitors unless you have citable sources.  Any business can say they are #1 in this and that or whatever they do. In fact stating your bussiness is number 1 in (whatever field it is you or your business does or provides) may make them more money because of it but it is unethical to promote your business in that manor without citing where it came from.  Places like Pinteresr and Home Advisor don't do that so cite another source if that's the source you try to use.  A few years ago before I started this business I worked for such a firm and the only awards they give are generalized based on comments.  They never ranked businesses even in NH.  At the end of the day anyone ... For eaxample - A Lawyer, Dentist, Plumber, Oil Company etc. can say they are the #1 business in that industry but they dont.  The reason is no such listing exist at least in NH and they (Those business owners) are not morons.  Hopefully, businesses that do and or continue this practice stop.  Are we not ethical/honest?  At Titan we are.  We may not be #1 in cleaning (based on an advertisement) but we are happy to provide a great service and price for that service.


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