
Whats the best home remedy for cleaning?

Again and again more home remedies come out of the woodwork to help clean hard messes faster and easier.  How many now, 10... 50... 100... 1,000?  Baking soda, vinegar, wine, olive oil, chalk etc.  Along with some of these are the hundreds of cleaning combinations that come with mixing them.  They can clean water stains, rust, stains, grease etc.  The amount of time it would take to figure out the perfect combination and amount you could have just gone and bought a specific brand to clean the mess.  Home remedies maybe safer but now a days many cleaning supplies have a green seal.  My suggestion is to read the brand first to see what's actually in it and then if you decide it's not safe try one of the home remedies.  Just be patient as it may take a few attempts before any progress is made.

Easy technique for cleaning grout thats safe.


Email or call if your getting ready to pressure wash your home.


Cleaning Mirrors and Light Bulbs

Let's start with mirrors.  It seems as though mirrors over sinks can have but not limited to hair, tooth paste, lipstick, oil, dust and other things.  I have been using a Rubbermaid microfiber glass cleaning cloth and just a small amount of Windex to clean all this and it works great.  The cloth leaves no streakes or lint and it can be washed about 300 times.  This works on Windows as well but I'll leave that topic alone for now.  With regards to cleaning light bulbs, the key is to clean them cold so shut them off first.  The hardest lightbulbs to clean are the new LED lights so this post is in regards to cleaning them. They don't wipe clean cold or hot.  The key is to unscrew them and use a small amount of goo-off or goo-gone.  Use a super small amount and use the glass microfiber towel to wipe it clean.  All the hair and lint will just wipe off.  If you use a dry cloth or even water the LED bulbs rubber like surface will prevent it from being cleaned.